Mom, I lost my wallet! - This call came in from Curly, Saturday night (a week ago), moments after I'd plugged my phone into the charger in my bathroom. I'd been on the phone with Mini for almost 3 hours earlier in the evening (I read aloud in a soft whisper from my book because she claimed that my voice was calming for her and she hoped to drift off without having her heart race - things have improved for her, bur more on this ordeal later), so I was READY for bed.
I had just texted Curly: I hope you're coming home soon.
*Coach and I are realizing that we haven't ever given Curly a curfew. Weird? Perks of being the youngest? Admittedly we were more 'on it' when we had kids who needed, um, more structure. I'm looking at you, Lad. Last night (a week after the night I'm sharing here), she asked what time she should be home. I said I thought she should be home by midnight, latest.
Back to our regularly scheduled story: She'd replied that she was down the street - her friend was dropping her off. As I was ready to dive into my comfy king size bed, my phone started to vibrate. I was like, HUH?
Curly: I left my wallet at Portillos (a restaurant).
They close at midnight. It was 12:02.
Me: Is my credit card in there?
Curly: Yes, but so is MY DRIVER'S LICENSE. (ah, teen priorities)
Thanks to everything (meaning, at this stage I'm equipped to stay fairly chill), I quickly put things in perspective. DON'T PANIC. IT ISN'T THE END OF THE WORLD (but if I had to replace my cc again, well - it might be). She said her friend agreed to drive back to the restaurant. I told her to knock on Portillo's door, if they were cleaning up, they might answer (my former Burger King employee speaking). She said she was gonna call. I called too, but I figured they'd not answer the phone since they were closed.
The night manager answered the phone after I made my way through a couple of menus about orders, catering, etc.
Night manager: I just spoke to your daughter. I have her wallet and I'm waiting for her. She's on her way back.
I got Ms. Night Manager's name, because I think she might be the recipient of an upcoming batch of my chocolate chip cookies. Bullet dodged.
FYI: I called Citicard. They have a card that links to offspring cards with different numbers, so if knuckleheads teens lose their card - the main card wouldn't need to be cancelled. But, unfortunately our Citicard AA-accrues-miles card doesn't work that way. Ugh.
Poke me with a needle, please: I usually aim to get my allergy shots the middle of the month, or certainly by the 17th at the latest. I got a text a few weeks ago that the building was closed for a situation out of their control. I wasn't due for shots. A few days later, another text: We're involved in a lawsuit with the building owner. We have a police escort to remove vials, etc.
What's this?
I've gotten a few more updates, saying they don't have a resolution/ aren't able to give shots yet. Welp, this is now the 20th. It isn't hay fever season, but they like to keep my levels at a certain, um, level. What's this? you say. It's a photo of my
island, but if you look closely towards the
top of the photo - you'll probably
spot my clear, easy-to-lose spectacles.
My left eye is once again refusing to let me wear a contact lens. I've tried EVERYTHING. Tons of rewetting drops. I have two different kinds of lenses, because I ordered dailies, and then decided I was fine with regular. Both regular lenses and the daily ware ones won't work. Feel filmy/sticky in my eye.
My glasses aren't bifocals, so I can't read when I wear them. I set them down to see things close up, and then I can't find them. Embracing my inner Mr. Magoo. I hate exercising in glasses. Is the eye thing somehow related to me being overdue for allergy shots? I wore the same lens for weeks, maybe even months. And it was FINE! Then finally ordered lenses because my eye was back to normal. *sigh*
Are you consistent with curfew? (consistency is my goal as a parent, because of how I was raised, so I'm kicking myself, BUT the older kids are none the wiser/aren't complaining) Or did you have a curfew when you were a teen? Have you ever lost a wallet and had a kind person turn it in/keep it safe for you? Do you plan to watch the ND vs Ohio State game tonight? Who are you rooting for?